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The tag line under the Old Chicago log on this ad from Friday July 16th
1976 is perfect. "It's Air Conditioned" is a nice draw for a hot
summer weekend. This is a great ad because in order to win all of
the cool things listed on the entries like a $45 dollar silver necklace,
or an AKC registered puppy from the Old Chicago Stockyards, people would
have to fill out each of these entries and deposit them in each of the
participating stores at Old Chicago.
Charlie Baffle was Old Chicago's mayor who always had a few cards up his
sleeve. As someone with a degree in marketing this ad looks to
fall flat as while the live magic shows at Old Chicago are nice it
really wasn't much of a draw.
The $1 off of a $4.95 admission is a pretty huge savings for Labor Day
1976. As always there was a lot going on at Old Chicago including
the band Aliotta, Haynes and Jeremiah playing their big hit "Lake Shore
Wonderful Wednesday doesn't sound too bad. You get $1 off of
tickets, parents ride free, and buy one dinner and get one free.
Wonderful Wednesday must have worked as Old Chicago kept it going for a
few weeks.
Old Chicago Index
Copyright 1999 - 2025
Paul B.