Worlds of Fun
Kansas City, Missouri
Worlds of Fun's 50th Anniversary &
ACE Around the World
May 26 & 27 2023
Page Five

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The Viking Voyager at Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

The Viking Voyager is the last of Worlds of Fun's original rides to take for a spin on it's 50th birthday.

The Viking Voyager at Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

The Viking Voyager is a classic Arrow Dynamics designed Log Flume.

The Viking Voyager at Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

Instead of logs though you ride in a Viking longboat through a trough that takes you out into the woods before ascending this hill.

The Viking Voyager at Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

Of course what goes up must come down....

The Viking Voyager at Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

...into a bunch of water for a nice splash.  Back in 1973 when Worlds of Fun opened The Viking Voyager and the Zambezi Zinger were the parks two star attractions.


Copyright 1999 - 2025

Paul B. Drabek