Worlds of Fun
Kansas City, Missouri
ACE Around the World
August 7, 2021
Page Three
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It was interesting chatting about the rails that go into the ride.
They have sections ready to go if they need it and the park has stores
of left hand rail and right hand rails that are pre made for each side
with beveled holes angled ends that lock together.
One of the things that Worlds of Fun has done lately is to add a lot of
theming, scenic elements and landscaping to dress up the park and make
it a better experience. There is a pump right next to Timber Wolf
but instead of leave the pipes out for all to see they built this little
building to cover it up. This also acts as some of the theming for
the Blood on the Bayou Haunt that we will get to check out later.
It was fun getting to have an early morning tour through Timber Wolf.
We still had an hour before Worlds of Fun opened to the public so we got
to explore.
We had Jeff and Jennifer of on hand so there was a ton if chatting about the
history of this great park.