Worlds of Fun
Kansas City, Missouri
August 20, 2017
Page Nine

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Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

Falcon's Flight looks gorgeous and if it were on the ground I would be able to ride it as it moves like a Scrambler.  When I ride a scrambler I need to visually lock onto something close by as the cars spin around to keep from getting motion sickness.  With Falcon's Flight leaving the ground there is nothing for me to lock onto visually so I will just enjoy the view from below.

Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

While I can't ride it this is a favorite of mine at Worlds of Fun.

Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

I love classic rides but the name Bamboozler is just so tongue in cheek fun for this classic Round Up ride.

Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

Ending our journey around the world at Worlds of Fun we end where the parks recent efforts of preservation began.  The Grand Carousel came from Geauga Lake and was extensively restored before being moved to Kansas City.

Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

There is what we saw during our quick visit to Worlds of Fun.  This park has so much potential but with 2018's new ride being a kids ride I wonder if Cedar Fair remembers that they own a park in Missouri as the last new coaster was in 2009 with just a few flat rides in the years since.  We had fun but it would be nice if Cedar Fair gave us enough of a reason not just to drive the three and a half hours to visit it other than every three years but to buy a season pass and come multiple times a year.

Worlds of Fun Index


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Paul B. Drabek