Worlds of Fun
Kansas City, Missouri
August 20, 2017
Page Three

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Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

Something different that we noticed is that Worlds of Fun moved the Scrambler from the its old hard to get to location on the side of the hill by Detonator to this spot where the Octopus used to be. 

Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

A big part of Worlds of Fun's charm to me is how wooded most of the park is.  You have all of these trees covering up the park and giving shade in the old section of the park then when you move into a "Cedar Fair section" like over by Mamba or the new entrance the bare tree-less terrain is a stark contrast.

Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

I really like Worlds of Fun's Train.  While at the end of the ride you end up at the same place where you began the experience is always a relaxing and fun one.

Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

Since 2009 there have been three big reasons to go to Worlds of Fun.  One is Patriot, one is Mamba and the other is Prowler.  Sadly that list has been reduced to two big reasons to go to Worlds of Fun as Prowler is now as rough, quite possibly rougher than Timber Wolf.  They seriously need to add the "This ride features intense ride jostling" signs to the queue as sadly Worlds of Fun can't seem to keep a wood coaster reasonably smooth. 

Our first ride was in the back where Prowler normally gives a really intense, fast and fun ride experience.  It was painful, it shook and on the turnaround there was a sudden slam into a pothole with a resounding crack that I looked back to see if the track was broke.  It was totally NOT like the Prowler that has had a very high place on my rankings since I first rode it in 2009.  Hoping that our first ride was a fluke later in the day we got in line again, this time up front only to find with the ride warmed up all of the negatives were worse! 

I know that Worlds of Fun has Prowler's builder; Great Coasters International, doing some off season work on Timber Wolf.  My hopes are that they get GCI to bring Prowler back to form...and teach Worlds of Fun to keep it that way because Prowler should be the gem of the park instead of something to avoid.

Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

Bond and I both thought this ATM was perfectly placed.  If you can't bring your game enough to win the 3 Point Challenge you can always do a withdrawal to try it again.


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Paul B. Drabek