Walt Disney World
Lake Buena Vista, Florida
January 25 & 26 2013
Page Eleven

The Norway Pavilion in the World Showcase at Walt Disney World - Epcot, Lake Buena Vista, Florida

Norway has stores and restaurants and something many of the other pavilions in the World Showcase don't have...a ride!

Maelstrom is a log flume that takes you through the Norway of legend including some close calls with Trolls and into the Norway of today with a final plunge (don't worry you won't get wet on Maelstrom other than a few sprinkles) into a stormy North Sea for a close encounter with an oil rig.  A neat feature of Maelstrom is the the boats go forwards and in reverse turning most people's expectations of a log flume around.

The Norway Pavilion in the World Showcase at Walt Disney World - Epcot, Lake Buena Vista, Florida

If you're in the mood for a treat while visiting Norway might I suggest the Kringla Bakeri Og Kafe which has some really tasty pastries.

The Mexico Pavilion in the World Showcase at Walt Disney World - Epcot, Lake Buena Vista, Florida

Before leaving the World Showcase for now Mexico was the last pavilion to pass by.  Inside of this pyramid are several shops, a restaurant and a boat ride that used to promote Mexican tourism.  I was never a big fan of it so we passed on by for a few hours in Future World.

The Mexico Pavilion in the World Showcase at Walt Disney World - Epcot, Lake Buena Vista, Florida

Outside of the Mexican Pavilion the Mariachi Cobre add some music to the atmosphere. 


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Paul B. Drabek