The Raging Wolf Bobs were put up
in the late 1980's. The ride is patterned after the classic
Riverview Park Bobs from Chicago that have been gone since the 1960's.
The Wolf Bobs are ok but are in no way half as intense as the Bobs used
to be. Just compare the two and you'll see that the Raging Wolf
Bobs is a much more flattened and spread out version of the Bobs layout.
Roadrunner Express is the only coaster
that I have yet to ride at Six Flags Ohio and I probably won't get to
unless they change their policy. If you're over 60 inches
tall you can't ride it but at other parks with exact copies of it they
let adults ride so maybe there's hope. If anything it looks like
This is one of the best Arrow Dynamics
looping coasters in existence! The Double Loop was one of the
first coasters with two loops and the layout is not standard for coasters
by Arrow.
Hey check out that great Double
Loop. Ok, ok I know bad joke but what else is there to say about
this picture. By the way...Robb and Sarah Alvey should be hand
models don't you think?
Ok, back to the real Double Loop!
What makes this design different from most Arrow designed loopers is
that it doesn't immediately dive into a loop right after the drop.
The Double Loop has a nice drop followed by a hill and a turnaround
at tree top level before hitting the loops.
Copyright 1999 - 2025
Paul B.