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The restoration of the Grand Ole Carousel/PTC Carousel #35 at Six Flags St. Louis, Eureka, Missouri

That horse was named "Abel" as it was the test to see if they were able to go it on their own.  What made me so happy was seeing the pride in this accomplishment when they decided to display it so park guests could get a vision of what was to come.

The restoration of the Grand Ole Carousel/PTC Carousel #35 at Six Flags St. Louis, Eureka, Missouri

The Grand Ole Carousel's chariots are going to look amazing when finished.

The restoration of the Grand Ole Carousel/PTC Carousel #35 at Six Flags St. Louis, Eureka, Missouri

One of the chariots will be called "War" while the other named "Victory".

The restoration of the Grand Ole Carousel/PTC Carousel #35 at Six Flags St. Louis, Eureka, Missouri

As everything is being redone the wheels are getting attention and each chariot will have its seating returned reupholstered.

The restoration of the Grand Ole Carousel/PTC Carousel #35 at Six Flags St. Louis, Eureka, Missouri

Being totally honest I would gladly give a kidney for some of the signs that line the walls of the maintenance shop at Six Flags St. Louis.

While the park originally took on this project they expected it would take two years, and like any renovation the estimated completion time flies out the window the moment the work first begins.  Danny says we should see the Grand Ole Carousel back to life in 2025.  

Thanks to Danny Snyder for the time and thanks to everyone at Six Flags St. Louis behind this effort to bring the Grand Ole Carousel back to life.

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Paul B. Drabek