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Ok let's start this trip report off with a si
mple statement.
2020 sucks!
The entire world has been completely and justifiably stressed out
dealing with the uncertainty, fear and terror that the Covid-19
pandemic has wrought on the planet. There has been a severe deficit
of fun in the world so I was thrilled when Six Flags St. Louis
opened up for the year on a very late June 22, 2020.

To be able to open up in the world of Covid the amusement park
experience is going to be a bit different than what we were used to.
Six Flags; as well as the rest of the amusement park industry, have
really upped their game with their priority being to open as well as
keep guests and employees safe and healthy. The first change
is you have to have a mask to wear during your visit. Secondly
you have to walk through this very cool (as in temperature) tent where a thermal camera
will check your temperature. If your temperature is too high
you will be asked to visit another day.

The next change is that they have stopped using the old metal
detectors and bag checks for the security check. The old
system had a lot of points of contact between guests and employees
which could cause transmission of sickness. Instead you walk
through a new metal detector that is so good the bag checks of the
past are gone. This keeps the park safe and took no time to
get through.

Beyond the changes that Six Flags has put in to deal with the
pandemic they have also started investing in Six Flags St. Louis by
dressing up the park. It was thrilling to see as this is
really one of the prettiest settings for a park in the chain and
previous corporate executives just pretty much forgot it when budget time came

With the new sign in the middle of the new wide open entrance plaza;
with the old and mostly unused ticket booths gone, it is a perfect
place to model the latest in facial fashions for the Covid-19 world.
This particular mask that Bond is wearing came from the fashion
powerhouse of Mom.
Copyright 1999 - 2025
Paul B. Drabek