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Even without coasters both Bond and I had an amazing time at
Six Flags St. Louis' Holiday In The Park.

In my years of being an enthusiast and talking to people in the
industry I have heard that it takes years for people to really add
something like Holiday In The Park to their seasonal traditions.
With the crowds that were out for a Thursday night and with as good
a job that Six Flags St. Louis has done with their first year I'd
expect that Holiday In The Park becomes an essential part of
everyone's holiday season.

Bond and I had a great time with our "pre-Christmas coaster spree"
and can't wait to come back for a little post New Years Eve riding
as well.

As we headed out of the gates and towards the car both Bond and I
weighed in on what we thought of Holiday In The Park.

Both of us concurred that Holiday In The Park is by far the best
addition that Six Flags has given to Six Flags St. Louis for years.
Not only does it extend the season (and drastically shorten the off
season for those of us who need access to coasters), it is a really
wonderful way for families and friends to get out of the house and
share a little of the Christmas spirit with each other. We
also hope that with the expanded season and chance for more profit
that Six Flags Corporate will finally invest a lot in this wonderful
park and add the giant skyline changing coaster that Six Flags St.
Louis has long needed.
Wishing for coasters or not Holiday In The Park is now a part of our
Christmas traditions and you should make it part of yours.
Six Flags St. Louis Index
Copyright 1999 - 2025
Paul B. Drabek