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Yeah I am not sure what in the world this is? Maybe it
is a rabid zombie Furby?

This is what the entrance of Six Flags St. Louis looked like at one
in the afternoon. It was wall to wall people out past the
metal detectors all the way into the parking lot. Not a good
sign if one wanted to ride much.

Kids don't do meth!

It is time to go when the line for the River King Mine Train extends
through the station, out into the midway and all the way at the
train station.

We had a great time finishing out our year at Six Flags St. Louis.
2015 was a good year and I am interested to see the direction that
Six Flags St. Louis takes next year and beyond. Long time Park
President Dave Roemer has reached the end of a career begun back as
a teenager working the grounds crew when the park opened back in
1971. Dave has always been a friendly helpful face around the
park sweeping up and talking to guests. To the enthusiast
community and to myself he has been a good friend and he will be
missed. Dave enjoy your retirement you earned it working hard
through all the years.
To the new Park President we look forward to seeing what you have in
store for us.
Six Flags St. Louis Index
Copyright 1999 - 2025
Paul B. Drabek