Six Flag's Great America

Gurnee, Illinois


Page Ten


Six Flags Great America, Gurnee, Illinois

Instead of having a "U" shaped footprint the two sides cross over each other giving I expect to be a nice "footchopper" effect while flying over the station.

Six Flags Great America, Gurnee, Illinois

Here are Deja Vu's 2 lift towers from over by the Whizzer.   First off you will get pulled backwards up the lift and then after you go through the course face forwards you will get pulled up again this time facing up into the sky before falling with your back to the ground.

Six Flags Great America, Gurnee, Illinois

If anything Deja Vu is a nice addition to Six Flags Great America's skyline.


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All pictures on this site have been taken by my wife Carrie or myself.  Please do not use without permission but ask and chances are I'll give it to you.

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Paul B. Drabek