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The American Coaster Enthusiasts Coaster Christmas event at Silver Dollar City, Branson, Missouri

As I have been saying for years I have three families.  I have my biological family.  I have the family I married into and created.  The third family that I have is my coaster family.  Coaster Christmas at Silver Dollar City is a big coaster family Christmas where there is a lot to eat, relatives to spend time with and coaster riding...lots of coaster riding. 

John and Terry are some of our coaster family from Iowa who ventured down into Southern Missouri for some proper Christmas fun.

The American Coaster Enthusiasts Coaster Christmas event at Silver Dollar City, Branson, Missouri

Mike, Rayne and Elizabeth came in from Kansas City for all of the fun.

The American Coaster Enthusiasts Coaster Christmas event at Silver Dollar City, Branson, Missouri

As with any family gathering someone has to organize where it will be at, figure out the food and get everything set up and that is what my Regional Representative Assistants like William Valiant and myself do.

The American Coaster Enthusiasts Coaster Christmas event at Silver Dollar City, Branson, Missouri

As with any family gathering it is nice to have a family photo.

The American Coaster Enthusiasts Coaster Christmas event at Silver Dollar City, Branson, Missouri

After a photo it was time to head into Silver Dollar City for an Old Fashioned (coaster) Christmas.


Copyright 1999 - 2025

Paul B. Drabek