Nickelodeon Universe
Mall of America
Bloomington, Minnesota
January 30, 2010
Page Fourteen

The Avatar The Last Airbender Rollercoaster at Nickelodeon Universe at the Mall of America, Bloomington, MN

Avatar The Last Airbender was really the surprise of the trip.

The Ghostly Gangplank at Nickelodeon Universe at the Mall of America, Bloomington, MN

Another surprise of the day was Bond's out of the blue desire to give Nickelodeon Universe's newest attraction; The Ghostly Gangplank a try. 

The Ghostly Gangplank at Nickelodeon Universe at the Mall of America, Bloomington, MN

The Ghostly Gangplank is basically a confidence course.  You have a climbing harness on and are connected to the structure so if you fall all you have to do is pick your feet up and put them back on whatever you were walking on.  Now Bond is scared of heights so I really didn't expect him to go through with getting on this.

The Ghostly Gangplank at Nickelodeon Universe at the Mall of America, Bloomington, MN

Well, he went through with it and me, being the Dad went along with him.  Now I'm terrified of heights but every once in a while at work I have to get a harness on and go climb up in the racks and fix something or another so I figured this would be no big deal.


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Paul B. Drabek