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This trip report starts out with the fact that I have an awesome
wife. When I heard about the construction tour that Lost Island
Theme Park was offering to members of the
American Coaster Enthusiasts I
really wanted to go but it was the day after the Daredevil Daze event
that I put on at Six Flags
St. Louis. Not wanting to totally ditch her for a weekend of
coasters I resigned to not go. When she heard about the tour she
asked how many parks under construction I have toured? I answered
back "None". She looked at me for a minute and said "Well you
better register for the tour because when is this chance going to come

So after a fun day at Six Flags St. Louis for Daredevil Daze, stopping
home to sleep (I am conveniently located between Six Flags St. Louis and
Lost Island Theme Park) my compatriots Todd (aka: Gump), Travis and I
were off to Waterloo, Iowa to take a look at this theme park under

Now there were a few ground rules for this tour. First off it was
a private tour for members of the American Coaster Enthusiasts.
Secondly we were limited to what we could take photos of.

Lost Island is going to be more than just a simple theme park with
rides. What is being planned for Lost Island is an immersive
heavily themed experience the likes of Disney or Universal Studios.
The Bertch family; who are behind the $100 million park, want to keep
much of the story, the environment, the theming and the magic of Lost
Island under wraps until next year when guests will be able to live it
for themselves.

With the restrictions in place this is not going to be a long report
where I document every little thing I see with tons of pictures.
This is going to get you interested in what Lost Island Theme Park will
be without revealing too much, like how this machinery was lined up to
keep us from photographing the rides of the park from just inside the
gate, which was the first area we were allowed to take photos from.
Copyright 1999 - 2025
Paul B.
