Kings Island
Kings Mills, Ohio
June 15, 2023
Page Nine
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If you have been going to Kings Island for years then you know
where these footprints are leading me.
Of course The Beast is my next stop.
Without Vortex it was really weird having a clear view of The Beast's
station from the midway.
The Beast is always a fun ride but I don't get all the hype around it.
The Beast is basically a wooden coaster that is more like a super
long mine train that takes you out into the woods and valleys behind
Kings Island. There isn't really any airtime to the ride and it is
mostly a fast run through the woods. For the last forty-four years
it has been the reigning longest wooden coaster in the world. One
thing I was interested in though as Kings Island had The Gravity Group
in to re-profile and rebuild a few sections including the helix after
the second lift. The new helix was way smoother than it used to
be. Most of the intense ride jostling was gone and it was worlds
more enjoyable.