Kings Island
Kings Mills, Ohio
June 3, 2009
Page Six

The Firehawk Roller Coaster at Kings Island, Kings Mills, Ohio

Bond gave Firehawk a half thumbs up as he liked it but he didn't like how rough it was at the end.  What Firehawk is at Kings Island is a great coaster to suck up and occupy it's slow moving queue with teenagers so that they're not in front of me in line for Diamondback thus giving me more rides on a coaster I really like.  If you're going to ride this do it first thing in the morning as it's like will only grow with such a sad and lackadaisical crew manning it.

The Fliight Of Fear Roller Coaster at Kings Island, Kings Mills, Ohio

Coaster #75 for Bond was Flight of Fear.  Being an indoor coaster in the dark there really isn't much to take pictures of.  I do find it's Hangar 18 and UFO themed queue amusing.  What's funny are all of the really"high tech" computers with 5 1/4 inch floppy disc drives that I haven't had on a PC in about 14 years.

Delerium at Kings Island, Kings Mills, Ohio

Having tried out MaxAir at Cedar Point the week before we couldn't pass up Delirium.  Just like at the Point it's a fun ride that really can cool you off.

Kings Island, Kings Mills, Ohio

Wasn't this originally Drop Zone the Scream Tower?  It looks like they just rearranged the words when they lost the rights to that totally forgettable Wesley Snipes movie.  No big loss there. 


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Paul B. Drabek