Paramount's Kings Island
Kings Mills, Ohio
November 6, 2005
Page Eight

Quick Draw's Railway at Paramount's Kings Island, Kings Mills, Ohio

As you can see we all fit into the train and would have made it around just fine except for the fact that leaves kept causing one of the other trains to stall.  So they turned the ride off and evacuated us 3/4 of the way around before sweeping all of the leaves off of the track.

Bond at Paramount's Kings Island, Kings Mills, Ohio

It's Captain Bond charting his ship through the rough seas.

A Mangels Kiddy Whip at Paramount's Kings Island, Kings Mills, Ohio

This classic Mangels Whip ride which is for now called the Alley Cat 500.  Since Paramount's Kings Island's license for all of the Hanna Barbera characters runs out in a few years all of those rides named after Hanna Barbera characters going to be re-named and re-themed for next year along with the addition of a few new rides.

Top Cat's Taxi Jam at Paramount's Kings Island, Kings Mills, Ohio

I was hoping that Bond would take me up on my offer to go for a ride on Top Cat's Taxi Jam but unless it is a Wacky Worm like they have at Lake Winnepesukah he wants nothing to do with it.  Personally I'm looking for a little positive peer pressure to get him on more rides...especially from a girl in his kindergarten class who is fearless on rides and he is crushing on big time.

Scooby's Ghoster Coaster at Paramount's Kings Island, Kings Mills, Ohio

Unfortunately 2005 will be the last year for Scooby's Ghoster Coaster.


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Paul B. Drabek