Paramount's Kings Island
Kings Mills, Ohio
November 2, 2002
Page Four

Paramount's Kings Island, Kings Mills, Ohio

The little ones love Top Cat's Taxi Jam, even when it's freezing.

Paramount's Kings Island, Kings Mills, Ohio

It's a shame you don't see many parks with towers in them, they don't attract patrons like a coaster but they are great to take a break and go up in.

Paramount's Kings Island, Kings Mills, Ohio

Ok, final Eiffel Tower picture.  I headed up there for a few minutes and WOW it was really cold up there!  Note to self:  when it's freezing don't go up in observation towers.

Paramount's Kings Island, Kings Mills, Ohio

Yes, I froze to get this cool perspective of the entrance plaza for you.

Paramount's Kings Island, Kings Mills, Ohio

Dwarfed by the Eiffel Tower lies a really fantastic classic Carousel.


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Paul B. Drabek