Paramount's Kings Island
Kings Mills, Ohio
May 30, 2000
Page Three

Paramount's Kings Island, Kings Mills, Ohio

Here's what you see as you enter the park.  I love the colors of this ride, they're very nice and eye catching.

Paramount's Kings Island, Kings Mills, Ohio

On Face off if you're not in the front or the back seat you are seated facing another pair of riders which is hilarious to watch the other people scream too.

Paramount's Kings Island, Kings Mills, Ohio

The Top Gun is Paramount's Kings Island's second suspended coaster.  First was the prototype suspended the Bat which was way too violent and was removed after only a few seasons.

Paramount's Kings Island, Kings Mills, Ohio

Here's Top Gun at the bottom of it's first drop.   I have been on several suspended coasters and the best place to put them is over some interesting terrain and make them dive down and out of a ravine.

Paramount's Kings Island, Kings Mills, Ohio

There's an interesting new feature to Top Gun the near collision with the Son Of Beast's lift hill which really adds to the excitement.


Copyright 1999 - 2025

Paul B. Drabek