Conneaut Lake Park
Conneaut Lake Pennsylvania
May 29, 2004
Page One
Conneaut Lake Park is one of the few remaining traditional lakeside
amusement parks in Northwestern Pennsylvania.
As a park it's had a very hard time hanging on mainly due to it's previous
owner so I was glad to be able to visit this dying breed of a park.
Ok, seeing this was not boding well for my visit. All three coasters
were down as well as a sizeable chunk of their flat rides. The reason
so many rides were not up and running was that the previous owners legal
challenge that held the park back from securing financing to get the park
ready for the season as well as opening had not been overcome until three
days before our visit. So they got what they could open and were working
on the rest which should be open by now.
Right at the front of Conneaut Lake Park is a nice Ferris wheel.