Conneaut Lake Park
Conneaut Lake Pennsylvania
May 29, 2004
Page Two

Flyers At Conneaut Lake Park, Conneaut Lake Pennsylvania

What classic amusement park wouldn't be complete without a Flying Scooter.  I got a ride on this one and unfortunately got no action at all on it.  I later found out from a local that just two of the tubs on it are worth riding.

A Tilt-A-Whirl At Conneaut Lake Park, Conneaut Lake Pennsylvania

For those Tilt-A-Whirl fans here's what they look like without the cars and top layer on.

A Tilt-A-Whirl At Conneaut Lake Park, Conneaut Lake Pennsylvania

Here's the rest of Conneaut Lake park's Tilt-A-Whirl waiting to be assembled for the season.

The Paratrooper At Conneaut Lake Park, Conneaut Lake Pennsylvania

Ever since seeing the movie and the filming of "The Fury" as a kid at Old Chicago the Paratrooper has always scared me a bit.  In the movie a telekinetic man takes a bit of revenge on some Paratrooper riders sending their car flying off of the ride into a restaurant.  I remember watching them setting up this scene and ever since I've just strayed from them.  Bond who this season has developed the love for watching Daddy riding asked me to try the Paratrooper which I did and it was a pretty decent little ride.


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Paul B. Drabek