Coney Island
Brooklyn, New York
Friday July 31, 2009
Page Three
When my eyes weren't on the Cyclone they were drawn to the Wonder
Wheel. Ferris Wheels and their rocking motion freak me out more than
a little bit but just like the Cyclone I had to get back here to give the
Wonder Wheel's coaster like swinging cars a try as they are just so very,
very wrong.

Why hop into the cars and head to our hotel when we had all of Coney Island
to explore, see, smell and later taste.

Even with the rain and most of everything closed it was comforting seeing
life at Coney Island, especially as cloudy as it's future has been lately
with Thor Equities wanting to build monstrous hotels, luxury condos and
big box stores. Those things are not Coney Island.
Throughout Coney Island's storied history it has been called "Sodom
by the sea", the "people's watering place", the "poor
mans Riviera", the "Nickel Empire", but what it has always
been is the "people's playground" and it should stay that way.
Copyright 1999 - 2025
Paul B.