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Deno's Wonder Wheel Park
Coney Island
Brooklyn, New York
Saturday August 1, 2009
Page Eight

Deno's Wonder Wheel Park at Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York

The Spook-A-Rama is a classic "pretzel" type dark ride.

Deno's Wonder Wheel Park at Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York

What happens is you squeeze into one of the Spook-A-Rama's cars like Ken and Kevin here then...

Deno's Wonder Wheel Park at Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York

...the ride operator gives your car a shove and you're headed on down the track and into a huge dark room.  Inside the room, well the car twists and turns around it and every once in a while a classic spook house scare happens.  Sadly these classic rides are looked over by many but are really a joy to ride so don't pass the Spook-A-Rama up at Deno's.

Deno's Wonder Wheel Park at Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York

Here's ken taking El Toro for a little exclusive ride time.  I like this one much better than the one at Six Flags Great Adventure as it's no where near as painful as that ride.


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Paul B. Drabek