Cedar Point
Sandusky, Ohio
June 13 & 14, 2023
Page Twenty-Nine

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The Maverick Rollercoaster at Cedar Point, Sandusky, Ohio

After Steel Vengeance let's take a look at Maverick.

The Maverick Roller coaster at Cedar Point, Sandusky, Ohio

Maverick is a really fun launched coaster by Intamin that was added to Cedar Point in 2007.

The Maverick rollercoaster at Cedar Point, Sandusky, Ohio

Maverick has two launches and four thousand four hundred and fifty feet of really twisted track.

The Maverick Rollercoaster at Cedar Point, Sandusky, Ohio

Maverick is a coaster that I really enjoyed the last time I was at Cedar Point and was looking forward to enjoying this time around.

The Maverick Rollercoaster at Cedar Point, Sandusky, Ohio

Unfortunately the first day at Cedar Point every time I tried to ride it the coaster went down.  Then on the second day I decided to head straight for Maverick as soon as the park opened only to find that it was down and remained down for the rest of the day so no ride for me this time.


Copyright 1999 - 2023

Paul B. Drabek