Busch Gardens Europe
Williamsburg, Virginia
August 4, 2010
Page Ten

The Griffon Roller Coaster at Busch Gardens Europe, Williamsburg, Virginia

For the coaster enthusiast who is all into all the little technical details here's a goodie for you.  If you want to find the diameter of the rails of B&M track just find Paul and measure the width of his head and you'll have the answer.

The Griffon Roller Coaster at Busch Gardens Europe, Williamsburg, Virginia

Bond was all over Griffon's wheel assembly checking it out.  The yellow wheel is the "road wheel" that sits on the top of the rail, the side wheel is known as the "guide wheel" and  the bottom one is the "up stop wheel". 

The Griffon Roller Coaster at Busch Gardens Europe, Williamsburg, Virginia

These wheels are quite heave, probably about eighty pounds.  According to one of our guides each wheel costs $4,000 which seems a bit much considering how many wheels are on each train.

The Griffon Roller Coaster at Busch Gardens Europe, Williamsburg, Virginia

Todd is here to pump you up and not be a little girly man by getting a good work out with one of Griffon's wheels.


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Paul B. Drabek