Arnold's Park
Arnold's Park, Iowa
July 15, 2010
Page One
In June I received a call from Brian (aka: Waterboy) that he wanted to make
a run to Arnolds Park in Iowa and then hit Valleyfair afterwards.
Bond and I were game as well as Mike (aka: Illinois) so we picked
a date and Brian and Mike headed out here into the vast plains of Western
Illinois to my humble abode. After a night of grilling some meat,
watching a bunch of movies and staying up way too late we were up at 4am
and on the road across Iowa to Arnolds Park.
As you can see Brian needed some java to get him awake.
This is what the drive across Iowa looks like; flat, full of corn and boring
as heck. If you want to drive to Arnolds Park from anywhere except
Minneapolis expect one insanely long boring drive. From my house it
was seven grueling hours of unending fields to Arnolds Park.
After getting three hours of sleep and starting out the drive, somewhere
in the middle of Iowa I crawled in the back seat, covered up and passed
out. Being the good friend that he is Mike grabbed my camera and took
this lovely picture of me. Embarrassing pictures, that's what friends are
Hallelujah we finally made it!!!
By the way this is one of the coolest park signs ever.