Negative-G - Quassy Amusement Park And Waterpark 2014 - Page Seven
Quassy Amusement Park & Waterpark
Middlebury, Connecticut
May 26, 2014
Page Seven
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But if you like to get whipped around going forwards and reverse you'll
love the Music Fest.
When we pulled into Quassy's parking lot Bond and I both caught sight of
the Giant Slide at the same time and declared "let's ride that".
I know a 40 something year old man and a teenager shouldn't get excited
about a slide but we don't care about appearances when something fun comes
across our path.
The slide walls were a little tight for myself keeping me from building
up speed but Bond flew down it.
He ended up going so fast that the carpet at the end of the slide didn't
stop him and he ended up out on the asphalt.