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Kemah Boardwalk including the Boardwalk Bullet rollercoaster in Kemah, Texas

Back in 2007 when I last rode the Boardwalk Bullet it was a fantastic ride but like a fine wine it really has gotten better with age.

Kemah Boardwalk including the Boardwalk Bullet rollercoaster in Kemah, Texas

Chatting with a few people at the park it seems that Kemah is in the middle of a multi year project to make the Boardwalk Bullet even better.  Kemah Boardwalk brought in the guys from The Gravity Group who designed it to take a look at the ride, how it has been performing and where there has been excessive maintenance.  They then came up with a plan to revitalize the ride including reworking some of the engineering to give the coaster a smoother ride.

Kemah Boardwalk including the Boardwalk Bullet rollercoaster in Kemah, Texas

As a result of that work the Boardwalk Bullet has gone from being a good coaster to being in my top 5 wooden coasters.  It sits at number four on my list.  As for Bond's impression of the coaster after his first ride I whipped out my cell phone and recorded his impression of it and here is what he said:

"Jeezzz. (a look of astonishment on his face) Holy (expletive)!  That kicks! That exceeded all expectations!"

For Bond who has been on well over 300 coasters, many of them world class rides to react like that to a coaster really says something about how great the Boardwalk Bullet is.

Kemah Boardwalk including the Boardwalk Bullet rollercoaster in Kemah, Texas

I heard that Landry's tried to purchase this lot when they were planning the Bullet and the owners didn't want to sell.  As a result they have a coaster right up against and towering over two sides of their property.  I'm certain that if they ever decide to sell it coaster enthusiasts will be lining up to place bids as it would be a great vacation home on the shores of Galveston Bay on one side with an amazing coaster view on the other side.

Kemah Boardwalk including the Boardwalk Bullet rollercoaster in Kemah, Texas

Here is a view of the Boardwalk Bullet and some of the Kemah Boardwalk from the Kemah Tower.


Copyright 1999 - 2016

Paul B. Drabek