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The worlds first launched Wing Rider Rollercoaster Thunderbird at Holiday World, Santa Claus, Indiana

Part of the fun of a Wing Coaster is having nothing above you and nothing below you with the seats situated outside of the track.

The worlds first launched Wing Rider Rollercoaster Thunderbird at Holiday World, Santa Claus, Indiana

That makes inversions even more fun because beneath your feet is the sky and the ground is above your head.

The worlds first launched Wing Rider Rollercoaster Thunderbird at Holiday World, Santa Claus, Indiana

In some inversions on other coasters at the top you feel the coaster lose power for a second or two as the train loses momentum but living up to its namesake as a large bird with powerful speed Thunderbird keeps up the speed as you find the ground on hundred and twenty-five feet beneath your head.

The worlds first launched Wing Rider Rollercoaster Thunderbird at Holiday World, Santa Claus, Indiana

One thing that I like about B&M's Wing Coasters as a photographer first off they look great but you can get a wonderful view of all of the riders expressions as they speed overhead.

The worlds first launched Wing Rider Rollercoaster Thunderbird at Holiday World, Santa Claus, Indiana

Leaving the first two inversions behind Thunderbird heads over into The Voyage woods where the ride really begins to shine.


Copyright 1999 - 2025

Paul B. Drabek