Galveston Island Historic
Pleasure Pier
Galveston, Texas
May 26, 2016
Page Eight
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From the cutback all Iron Shark has for you before sending you
into the row of magnetic brakes is the incline loop.
It is pretty easy to describe an incline loop.
..take your normal loop and tilt it on its side.
It makes for a fun way to go upside down while engineering wise keeping
a lot of the structure together fir such a compact ride.
One of the things that I really like about coasters like Iron Shark is
how the squeeze so much height and length into a plot of land like the
additional lot we have next to our house. There are so many
twists, turns, flips and head choppers that you are never quite sure
what is going to come next. That keeping the rider off balance is
what makes a great coaster.