Worlds of Fun
Kansas City, Missouri
Zambezi Zinger Construction
April 23, 2023
Page Four

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The new Zambezi Zinger roller coaster under construction at Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

As you can see with the first drop most of the wooden track has been complete and just needs the steel rail for the road, guide, and up-stop added respectively on the top, side and bottom of the track.

The new for 2023 Zambezi Zinger roller coaster at The new for 2023 Zambezi Zinger roller coaster at Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

Even though the Titan Track is steel there is the traditional steel wooden coaster track bolted on top of it.  My guess is the reason there is a break in the steel in the middle of this photo is that's where two sections of Titan Track were joined together and before finishing there will be steel track joining those sections.

 The new for 2023 Zambezi Zinger roller coaster at Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

Near the bottom the first drop the Titan Track transitions to wooden track.

The new for 2023 Zambezi Zinger roller coaster at Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

Similar to the original Zambezi Zinger this one follows up the first drop with a high banked turnaround.

The new for 2023 Zambezi Zinger roller coaster at Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

Zambezi Zinger is going to be using the new Infinity Flyer trains by Great Coasters International.  What is really going to be interesting about these trains is they have a significantly tighter turning radius than GCI's Millennium Flyer trains over on Prowler.  This turn doesn't need that tight of a turning trains but the Zinger's second half certainly will.


Copyright 1999 - 2025

Paul B. Drabek