Worlds of Fun
Kansas City, Missouri
Worlds of Fun's 50th Anniversary &
ACE Around the World
May 26 & 27 2023
Page Eight
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Everywhere you look in The Exhibition there is something from Worlds of Fun's history like this part from one of the Worlds of Fun Railroads cars.
They even have some of the stylish park uniforms and even a custom uniform for the Extremeroller.
There was a nice display honoring the original Zambezi Zinger, showcasing the new one, and discussing why the park decided to bring it back.
There was a bunch of items on the opening of Worlds of Fun. One of the highlights of opening day 1973 was that every guest got a free loaf of bread.
Beyond all of the physical collections in The Exhibition you could sit there and enjoy decades worth of television ads.
Copyright 1999 - 2025
Paul B. Drabek