Worlds of Fun
Kansas City, Missouri
Worlds of Fun's 50th Anniversary &
ACE Around the World
May 26 & 27 2023
Page Fifteen

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ACE Around the World at Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

After our shakes it was time to get back to riding, this time on Timber Wolf.

ACE Around the World at Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

If you've not been to Worlds of Fun for a few years Timber Wolf is a completely new ride.

ACE Around the World at Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

With a complete rework by Great Coasters International Timber Wolf runs smooth, fast, and with plenty of airtime all without the rides legendary "Intense ride jostling" that is now a thing of the past.

ACE Around the World at Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

We did have to hop on Patriot for a few laps as we were in the area.

ACE Around the World at  Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

For those of you who care to partake in an adult beverage there is a nice Zambezi Zinger brew for sale at the park.  Not much of a drinker but I wouldn't mind a can for my collection of coaster stuff.


Copyright 1999 - 2025

Paul B. Drabek