Worlds of Fun
Kansas City, Missouri
ACE Around the World
August 7, 2021
Page Nine
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Timber Wolf with all of the work Worlds of Fun has put into it was
insane. Danielle and I rode it in the back seat and we were
whipped around the curve at the top of Timber Wolf and then thrown up in
the air giving us a hell of a start.
If you have not been on Timber Wolf it really is Timber Wolf 2.0 and the
upgrade has been amazing.
Gone is the boring and rough turnaround and instead Timber Wolf now is
really a world class coaster.
There is so much ejector airtime over and over and over with some great
lateral forces. Next year we might have to have our exclusive ride
time on Timber Wolf for ACE Around the World.
After Timber Wolf we heard the sound of the train and hopped aboard the
Worlds of Fun Railroad for a spin through the park which gave us a great
view of the Viking Voyager.