Worlds of Fun
Kansas City, Missouri
April 20, 2019
Page Two

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Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

Todd and Bond were interested to see how new and improved Timber Wolf 2.0 was.

Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

With the thrill-sucking helix removed from the ride and replaced with this speedy and fun turnaround I was just wanting to ride Timber Wolf 2.0 over and over because it is now the best wooden coaster in the park.

The Timber Wolf roller coaster at Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

The old helix was five hundred and sixty degrees of shuffle that got slower and slower as the ride worked it way around and up.  Even when it was smooth that part of the ride was boring  and for most of the rides life it was rough making it painful as well.  Removing it turned the Timber Wolf into a coaster with airtime, an unpredictable layout and pacing that really reminds me of The Raven at Holiday World. 

I haven't really thought about my wood coaster rankings lately but Timber Wolf 2.0 at the very least is knocking on my top ten if not joining them as good as it is.

The Cotton Blossom bar-b-que Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

The big new addition to Worlds of Fun for 2019 was not a new ride but a restaurant.

The Cotton Blossom Bar-B-Que at Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

The Cotton Blossom Bar B Que located right next to Patriot fills a void that park has had which is a large restaurant with plenty of indoor and outdoor seating.  Worlds of Fun seems to be working on a lot of little steps in preparation for significant growth and this restaurant and the parks focus on improving food options across the park.  I have no insider information but I wouldn't be surprised to see Cedar Fair concentrate on turning this park into more of a regional theme park resort with hotels and more investment in rides and waterpark attractions in the near future.

If I'm wrong the Cotton Blossom Bar B Que is a great addition to the park as the pulled pork and chicken tenders were tasty meals.


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Paul B. Drabek