Worlds of Fun
Kansas City, Missouri
August 6, 2018
Page Five
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While I was staring into my camera working on getting a nice shot I
heard this very loud authoritarian voice yell at me "HEY YOU". I
was a little shocked and looked around to see this officer walking by
"did you get my good side" he asked.
Yes I did. Thank you sir for the laugh.
With the improvements around Worlds of Fun unfortunately some things
have to go. 2017 was the final year for the Finnish Fling which
was one of the few remaining Rotor rides out there.
Replacing it is the new Nordik Chaser.
The Nordik Chaser is not my type of ride but it looks like it could be a
lot of fun. I do like the theming although I would like to suggest
to Worlds of Fun that they do what they can do to keep from removing
trees with new additions as they tend to clear cut the entire area when
it would be nice if there was a few trees left to add shade.
The other year another ride; the Octopus, was removed after a long run
at Worlds of Fun. In its place they moved the Scrambler from a
really hidden location on the other side of the park. When I was
walking around I noticed how much Worlds of Fun really put into the
little touches like the paint job on the ride and the signage. It
is adding little things like that they didn't have to but did that I
really like.