Worlds of Fun
Kansas City, Missouri
December 29, 2018
Page Six

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Winterfest at Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

After a few hours at the park Charlotte and myself needed to warm up.  I asked and the word was that the Charlie Brown's Christmas Spectacular was the show to see.  So we headed on over to the Tivoli theater to get warm and see a good show.

Winterfest at Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

The premise for the show is Lucy has roped Charlie Brown into stage managing a holiday show when all he really wants to do is get together with Snoopy for Christmas.

Winterfest at Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

Everyone gets into the action including Schroeder.

Winterfest at Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

Schroeder goes from a little classical into some boogie woogie.

Winterfest at Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

Lucy broke into a little "Santa Baby" for the crowd.


Copyright 1999 - 2025

Paul B. Drabek