Worlds of Fun
Kansas City, Missouri
Opening Day Campout
April 12 & 13, 2013
Page Three
Situated on a bluff overlooking Kansas City you can see Mamba from
all around the city calling people to come and ride it.

We had fun just walking around chatting with Brandon. He is one of
those people who truly loves his job and just has a blast being able to
do what he does. His enthusiasm for Worlds of Fun is contagious.

One of the big new additions to Worlds of Fun this year is Dinosaurs Alive.
It's a trail filled with educational exhibits and animatronic dinosaurs.
It is located in the woods behind the Boomerang where the Zambezi Zinger
used to be. We were going to check it out (it was not ready to open
when we visited but it is open now) but Brandon got a call that a local
TV station showed up and his help was needed.

Getting back up to the front gates we found a few more campers there and
everyone was just hanging out, tossing the beanbags and footballs and having
a good time.

Copyright 1999 - 2025
Paul B.