Worlds of Fun
Kansas City, Missouri
Halloween Haunt
October 15 & 16, 2010
Page Four
A favorite of mine was the "Shovel Guy". He'd sneak
up behind people and bang his shovel on the pavement. Metal on asphalt
really makes a great sound and really freaked people out.
This guy hid in the fog over by Prowler. He had a laser sight on his
gun that looked really cool in the fog. We ended up passing these
guys a dozen or more times in the night so we got used to where they hid
and when we'd pass Bond would always give a "Hey Dude" as if he
were passing some normal person in the street.
The lights from Snoopy's Starlight Spectacular when mixed with the metric
ton of fog that enshrouded Worlds of Fun made for some neat ambiance.
You have to keep on your toes as you never know who or what is going to
come lurking out of the fog at you.