Worlds of Fun
Kansas City, Missouri
Halloween Haunt
October 15 & 16, 2010
Page Twelve
With the park getting more and more packed the less we wanted to fight
the lines for a ride so we went shopping.
I have to say that these sunglasses made Brian look fabulous!
As we were going through one store Bond asked if he could have a pair of
handcuffs...these fur lined handcuffs. He wasn't sure why someone
would want fur lined handcuffs so I went with my standard answer for things
might be too big for him or something that I really didn't want to explain.
"Oh, they're just silly"
And no he did not get the handcuffs.
One really good thing about Mamba is that it eats up people so the line
never stops moving and you don't have to wait that long.
I love sitting in Mamba's back seat putting my hands in the air and just
flying down the first hill. Giving myself over to the ride and just
letting go of everything is one of the things that I need and am addicted