Worlds Of Fun
Kansas City, Missouri
April 1, 2010
Page Three

The Boomerang Rollercoaster at World's Of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

For some reason un-like most coaster enthusiasts Bond loves Vekoma Boomerangs.  So being the kind of dad who lets his child learn from his mistakes I let Bond hop on Boomerang for a ride.

The Boomerang Rollercoaster at World's Of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

Here's Bond on the Boomerang as it's speeding through the station.  he doesn't look like he's having a good time but he says he loved it.  Hopefully one day he'll grow out of his "Boomerang phase" like I grew out of my love of the horrible Morgan trains that ran on the Texas Cyclone.  I was young  and didn't know any better.

The Mamba Rollercoaster at World's Of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

After his ride on the Boomerang it was time to show him what a good, no, great coaster is so we headed on over to Mamba where yet another empty station greeted us.

The Mamba Rollercoaster at World's Of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

Speed, airtime, thrills, a great head chopper what's there not to like about Mamba?  Ok, ok, I know there are the mid course trim brakes that kind of kill the end of the ride but before you hit them Mamba rocks.


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Paul B. Drabek