Worlds of Fun
Kansas City, Missouri
Prowler Construction Tour
March 1, 2009
Page Eleven
Here's a view of Prowler from one of the park's service roads.
Give it a few weeks and you won't be able to get this view once all of the
trees leaf out. One feature that I'm thrilled with is that they left
a bunch of trees all around the ride to hide most of it from view and when
speeding by them they'll make the ride seem faster.
Here's Prowler's station. You'll enter on this side and I guess the
area where I stood to take this shot will probably be queue.
Here's a nice view of Prowler from the main ride operators station.
The more I look at Prowler and just think of all of the airtime, directional
changes and speed I have no doubt that this is going to show up quite high
on everyone's rankings.
I'm not sire if it is going to crack my top spot but at the least it's a
sure contender to appear in my top ten.