Worlds of Fun
Kansas City, Missouri
Prowler Opening
May 2, 2009
Page Nine
While Mike was in line for Patriot Bond got me on a ride that scares
me to death, the Ferris Wheel. While I'm not a big Ferris Wheel fan
as the rocking gives me motion sickness we were able to get some fantastic
shots of Patriot while riding it.
Patriot is my far my favorite B&M inverted coaster and I would have
loved to rode it but Bond is still getting his coaster feet wet per say
and isn't quite comfortable riding something with nothing beneath you.
Patriot has fantastic pacing with several low to the ground moments as well
as this nice twist while it comes out of it's Immelman loop.
It's pretty fun sitting on the top of the Ferris Wheel with Patriot whizzing
right by you. It comes close enough that you get a nice breeze when
it speeds by.