Worlds of Fun
Kansas City, MO
September 15, 2007
Page Sixteen

Spinning Dragons Rollercoaster at Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, MO

Spinning Dragons starts with a nice dip, then some sharp "zigs" and "zags" before sending you spiraling down to the ground..

Spinning Dragons Rollercoaster at Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, MO

Spinning Dragons is a fun coaster but I wouldn't have given up one of the best Arrow looping coasters: Orient Express that was in it's place.  I swear if Worlds of Fun had held onto some of their classics like Orient Express and Zambezi Zinger they'd have one fantastic line up of coasters.

The Patriot Rollercoaster at Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, MO

Of course we spent quite a large portion of the rest of our day with Patriot.

The Patriot Rollercoaster at Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, MO

See I'm not the only person all grins about Patriot.


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Paul B. Drabek