Wet Willys Waterslide - Defunct
Fenton, Missouri
June 20, 2008
Page Three

Wet Willys Defunct Waterslide, Fenton, Missouri

When I was growing up in the Chicago area there was a similar slide north of Oak Brook that was considerably longer.  Me and my buddies would have one of our parents drop us off for the afternoon and we'd spend our time running up and then sliding down the hill.  It was a great time to spend a hot summer day.

Wet Willys Defunct Waterslide, Fenton, Missouri

I bet here at Wet Willy's like at the one I visited if you got going fast enough you could jump over the hill between the slides and go down into the next one.  I remember doing that once and coming straight down into my buddy.  Yeah it hurt slamming into him but it was fun and we laughed about it.

Wet Willys Defunct Waterslide, Fenton, Missouri

From looking on Google Earth it looks like the waterslide I grew up at has fared the same fate as Wet Willy's, overgrown and forgotten.  Maybe one of these days I'll have to pay that one a visit.

Wet Willys Defunct Waterslide, Fenton, Missouri

I'm curious if this curve is known for being a spot where skaters are known to take a spill with the big "Game Over" spray painted there.


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Paul B. Drabek