Walt Disney World
Lake Buena Vista, Florida
January 25 & 26 2013
Page One

Space Ship Earth at Walt Disney World - Epcot, Lake Buena Vista, Florida

After spending a day at The Magic Kingdom Carrie, Bond and I headed on over to Epcot for a couple of hours.  If you stay on property at one of Walt Disney World's hotels they have a program called "Extra Magic Hours" where each day they either open a park early for you or keep one open late.  For our first day there Epcot was open late for us.

Space Ship Earth at Walt Disney World - Epcot, Lake Buena Vista, Florida

These anti-tank barricades are an addition to Epcot's entrance plaza since our last visit in 1997.  I guess Walt Disney World is expecting a frontal armored assault so they put these stone tank traps up to funnel the tanks into a "kill zone".  These are actually stupid up-charge things where you can pay to have a really tiny blurry picture of yourself burned onto a metal plate that ruins the aesthetics and usability of Epcot's entrance plaza.  I guess some accountants thought selling a bunch of unrecognizable photos on a really ugly art installation to block up the parks entrance was a good idea.  I'd rather they offer an upcharge for guests to kick in for the demolition with extreme prejudice of this eyesore.  I'd gladly put some money in for that. 

Space Ship Earth at Walt Disney World - Epcot, Lake Buena Vista, Florida

Space Ship Earth looks just simply amazing at night.  As it had no wait at all the three of us took it for a ride.  From the looks of it little has changed (namely having Judi Dench - Q in the last 7 James Bond movies...I'm a big fan and am watching Skyfall as I write this narrate the ride.) with this ride since I first rode it back when I first visited Epcot about six months after it opened in 1983. 

Space Ship Earth takes you through mankind's evolution of communication to paintings on stone walls to the printing press and beyond to todays networked world.  It is nothing too exciting as Bond said but it is a great time off your feet. 

Space Ship Earth at Walt Disney World - Epcot, Lake Buena Vista, Florida

Space Ship Earth is the visual centerpiece of Epcot's Future World section.  The easiest way to describe Epcot is a permanent Worlds Fair with Future World showcasing new technologies in varied subjects and The World Showcase which highlights countries and cultures from around the world. 


Copyright 1999 - 2025

Paul B. Drabek