Timber Falls Adventure Park
Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin
Winter 2008
Page One
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I recently stumbled upon these photos of Timber Falls and
Olympus in Wisconsin Dells from winter 2008 that I forgot to post at
the time. I figured it was better late than never to post them six
years later.
As it stands right now in February of 2014 every state except Florida has
some snow on the ground so my thought is why not show everyone what their
local park must look like all covered up with snow waiting for spring to
thaw everyone out so the rides can start running again.
Winter 2008 Carrie, Bond and I joined my family for a weekend at the Wilderness
Resort in the Dells for a weekend of hanging out and winter time water parks
(thankfully they are enclosed).
One morning with a fresh coat of snow I had to get up and go snap a few
photos of Timber Falls and Mount Olympus.
You can easily get all around Timber Falls to take a look during the winter
as it is surrounded by businesses with wonderfully plowed parking lots.