X-Flight's Train @ Six Flags Worlds of Adventure

X Flight is a flying coaster where you are seated in a flying position.  The cars start out sitting up in the station...

X-Flight's Train @ Six Flags Worlds of Adventure

...and then get tilted down into position for the ride.

X Flight Rollercoaster @ Six Flags Worlds Of Adventure

You approach the lift on your back but once you head up it's just like going up facing backwards.  What's really great about X Flight is when you finally roll into flying position you're a hundred and fifteen feet in the air with absolutely nothing below you.  It's a heck of a rush.

X Flight Rollercoaster @ Six Flags Worlds Of Adventure

Here's a trainload of people going for a little flight.

X Flight Rollercoaster @ Six Flags Worlds Of Adventure

X Flight's element after the first drop is a wingover that is really fun.


Copyright 1999 - 2025

Paul B. Drabek