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Holiday In The Park Christmas celebration at Six Flags St. Louis, Eureka, Missouri

The Tinseltones was really fun but watch out because you may end up getting hit by a snowball in the middle of the show like I was.  It certainly woke Bond up.

Holiday In The Park Christmas celebration at Six Flags St. Louis, Eureka, Missouri

If you want to ride like nuts just a little warning as Holiday in the Park is not the best time to visit Six Flags St. Louis as all of the coasters with the exception of the River King Mine Train were one train operations but Bond and I didn't care as we were just having so much fun walking around the park, talking and being together.

Holiday In The Park Christmas celebration at Six Flags St. Louis, Eureka, Missouri

Spinsanity didn't need too much to make it look all that festive with as many lights that line the track.

Holiday In The Park Christmas celebration at Six Flags St. Louis, Eureka, Missouri

Bond would like to report that finally he was thrilled with Spinsanity.  Earlier in the year when we visited the spin was seriously turned down making it a ride that I could have stomached.  Now Six Flags St. Louis has turned the spin up on Spinsanity and Bond had to take it for a couple of rides because it was so much fun.

Holiday In The Park Christmas celebration at Six Flags St. Louis, Eureka, Missouri

"Big Green" is really one of the favorites of Holiday In The Park as it seemed like everyone was getting a picture of their kids with it in the background.


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Paul B. Drabek